Please consider the call for papers of the SAH 2022 Conference, and the panel "Architecture, Capital and the Financial Turn: 1970–2020," which I will be chairing, and join us in Pittsburgh next year:
Architecture, Capital and the Financial Turn: 1970–2020
Currently, one of the most challenging issues for the history of architecture is the development of methods with which to examine architecture as capital. The discipline needs ways to analyze architecture as part of a complex process that includes the creation of capital in its many forms, not only financial, but also cultural, social and symbolic.
In the period between 1970 and 2020, new housing policies and financial instruments were developed which created a financial turn, when new types of extractive logics in the economy appeared through the exploitation of material properties and the creation of abstract financial instruments. The analysis of architectural production during this period, in parallel with the overlapping fields of economic and social policy, may shed light on other events that occurred in the expanded socioeconomic context, such as the global financial crisis of 2008, and moreover will illuminate the current context of growing social inequality and the emergence of a global housing crisis.
This panel welcomes papers that focus on the production of architecture as capital in its expanded forms (financial, social, cultural and symbolic); that map the relationships between architectural production and financialization; and that address different social and geographical contexts with global resonance. The aim of the session is to develop a critical perspective about capital and architectural practices within the social and political contexts of the recent past.
Session Chair: Eliana Sousa Santos, University of Coimbra
Submit your abstract through the SAH website: